Thursday 25 October 2012


1. Food webs are important because they maintain the population of living things in a balanced state.

2. Food webs are not permanent.

(a) Some plants and animals may die due to changes in the environment.
(b) Some animals may migrate to other habitats when there is not enough food or water.
(c) Animals from other habitats may also move in to look for more food and water.

3. When the population of a species of plants or animals in a food web changes, the population of other species in the food web are aslo affected

4. The organisms in a habitat depend on one another for food.


  • An increase in the number of foxes will result in a derease in the number of rabbits, squirrels, mice, seed-eating birds and insect various birds.
  • In turn, the number of plants increases.
  • If all the rabbits in the food web die because of a disease, there will be less food for the foxes and hawks and owls.Therefore, the number of foxes and hawks and owls dereases.
  • If there is an increase in the population of mice, then there will be more food for the foxes, hawks and owls. Thus, the populations of hawks, owls and foxes will also increase.

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