Thursday 25 October 2012


1. Some species of animals eat only one type of food.

2. The populations of these animals will be greatly affected when there is a shortage of their food.

3. They face difficulty in surviving when their only source of food runs out. For example, if the bamboo forests on which the pandas depend for their survival are destroyed in the name of development, the pandas face a serious threat of extinction.

  • Pandas eat only bamboo shoots and leaves.
  • They will die if there are no more bamboo plants.

  •  Kaolas eat only eucalyptus leaves.
  • They will die if there are no more eucalyptus leaves.

  • Pangolins eat only ants.
  • They will die if there are no moe ants.
Try Your best:

Rats destroyed the oill palm fruit in a plantation. Owls were released to check the population of rats. Which other animal will also decrease in number over time?

A. The grasshopper
B. The earthworm
C. The snail
D. The snake

The snakes will move to a new habitat as there will not be enough rats ti feed on.

Answer: D

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